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    picture of my appearance and reflection of my personality

About Me

My name is Alexis.
I am 29 years old.
I have my Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design & Media Arts.

I started making and creating art at a young age. During my high school years, I started to explore my artistic side more. I began keeping sketchbooks; I turned these sketchbooks into my own personal expression of design. Along with drawing & painting, I would also utilize text, photographs, magazine cuttings, book clippings, and more into my sketchbooks. This led me to want to create on a bigger scale; therefore, I started making collages on poster boards. These collages ended up covering the walls in my bedroom and still do today.

I started blogging after high school; I saw Tumblr as a platform that brought me a wide range of inspiration. I have 3 Tumblr blogs. I currently have a total of 6 sketchbooks and have just started on my 7th. My sketchbooks are something that I hold close to my heart; they have always been my truest form of creativity.

More recently, the passion I have for my blogs was able to also grow into a passion for web design. I also am amazed at just how much I am able to create on my computer. There is always more to learn and more areas to grow in when it comes to Graphic Design.

I love creating across many different platforms. My long history of experimentation and play in design has showed me endless creative possibilities. My strengths include my fascination in detail, use of diverse creative techniques, and experimentation with various types of graphics & materials.